Understanding the working mechanism of our brain is equivalent to understanding
how to create a life based on our own choices. Of course a strong faith in
one’s creator or one’s talents, depending upon one’s religious beliefs, must be
present, which, once again, is linked to the working of the brain. It is that
miraculous gift of God (or any Supreme Being that one believes in) which is
tremendously ignored in our day to day life whereas, unforeseen factors are
held responsible for failure or success. By turning the pages of history, we
learn that the pivotal difference between successful and unsuccessful people is
the brain. Both, successful or unsuccessful people had 24 hours a day, almost
the same human strengths and weaknesses, same body parts, same brains but
different ways of using their brains that made them either successful or
unsuccessful. Any person, even with average intelligence, is bound to know that
successful and unsuccessful people use their brains differently, but how and
why? That is the six million dollar question.
The biological
complexity of the brain is as fathomless as an ocean and as limitless as the
universe. However, the topic of this research focuses on the language of the
brain i.e. pictures or images. It is this language that stands out as being of
crucial difference between successful and unsuccessful people in any walk of
life, regardless of whether they are involved in religion, science, technology,
medicine, social welfare, warfare, leadership, finance, business, education or
sports. This single most factor i.e. the brain pictures can make a ‘heaven of
hell’ and a ‘hell of heaven’. History provides us with ample proofs of how
common men and women achieved unbelievable successes and how successful people
were reduced to nothing based on the way of their thinking in the form of
The brain
thinks in pictures and when these pictures are embossed in our subconscious
whether by continuous exposure to a particular set of pictures, by intentional
practice or by the force of powerful feelings like those of love, gratitude and
revenge, the brain creates them. Yes, creates the reality. The brain does not
know good or bad; it only creates what it is fed. This might be shocking for
some of us for how can mere seemingly fragile ideas create definite
realities—realities that often are unbelievable. Thomas Edison first thought,
then invented and all of his inventions were created only after he had seen
their pictures in his brain. Masterpieces in literature like War and Peace, Gone With the Wind, Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, Dickens’s
novels and last but not least, Shakespeare’s marvellous works were first
created in the form of brain pictures and ideas then translated into physical
reality. The creators of these sublime classics believed in the beauty of their
ideas, pictures and dreams and they saw the reality in their own lives. Such
examples as these are not only found in history but also in our own lives. The
problem is that we, unaware of the powers and working patterns of our brains,
take our successes or failures to be the outcome of luck, chance and
circumstances, favourable or unfavourable. We forget that we are the creators
of our realities because our realities, whether we like them or not, are the
offspring of our thoughts and thoughts are always in the form of pictures. This
proves that thoughts are not useless intangibles but they have more power than
the brain itself where they are born. If there are no thoughts, then there are
no realities and hence no good or bad outcomes. This leads us to impress on the
importance of our thought processes. We have to change the brain pictures i.e.
our thoughts according to our desires if we wanted to translate them into
realities that are according to our appetites. Metaphorically, an idea in
picture-form is the soul and a reality is the transformation of that soul into
a physical body.
speaking, people are either success conscious or failure conscious and they
become either successful or unsuccessful, respectively in their lives. Before
understanding the truth of this statement, let us talk about another miraculous
quality of the brain—its magnetism. This means attracting realities on the
principle of the Law of Attraction—a scientific truth based on which the whole
universe in working. In order for the brain to attract realities from the
universe, it must have pictures clear enough and embossed in its subconscious.
So, the language of the brain and its magnetism are just two different sides of
a coin. Here is an example to illustrate this point. They say love and
fragrance cannot be hidden but very few take into account the powerful brain
activity operating in the background. When a boy falls in love with a girl
(love is a very strong emotion through which the brain releases very powerful
frequencies) he creates pictures of his beloved in his mind and these pictures
are extremely clear, sharp-edged, and vivid enough that he can even feel them
because he does this visualization exercise with full concentration day in, day
out. He imagines the beauty of his beloved and keeps giving his brain
suggestions to convince it that she is the most beautiful person on earth. Such
suggestions as these, almost every day over a long period, do the magic: they
chisel the pictures extremely vividly and make them real-life-like in his
brain. His brain at this point, is profoundly concentrated (i.e. in meditation
state) and vibrates at a very low but powerful frequency level. These talents
of the brain are the sole requirements to attract reality. The girl’s brain
receives the signals and she gets a feeling that the boy is in love and things
move on as they wanted them in most cases. A highly concentrated brain with
extremely vivid pictures is the backbone of metaphysical disciplines like
hypnosis, telepathy, mesmerism and nobody dares to deny miracles these
disciplines can perform.
In the light of
the above discussion, when a success conscious person pursues any target in the
form of clear-cut brain images, he sees himself as a successful person before
he actually becomes successful. Along with this, his strong faith, the only
antidote for failure, in his success adds to the pace with which he moves
towards his goal. Similarly, a failure conscious person fails because his
brain is occupied with negative forces and energies of fear, worries, doubts
and these are also powerful feelings like those of gratitude and love. If a person
is worried about not performing well in exams, at his job, or losing money, a
game of sport or is worried about going in debt, he will definitely face that
feared of factor (e.g. if he is worried that he will not perform well in his
exams, he will certainly not) because his mind emits negative energies and
frequencies just to attract the same from the universe on the basis of the Law
of Attraction. As discussed earlier on, the brain does not know the good or bad
aspect of any picture or idea; therefore, it attracts or creates whatever it
continuously sees. That is the reason most people who are having bad incidents
happening in their lives remain in the same situation because they keep
thinking about negative pictures and keep emitting and attracting negative
energies. This is how they keep attracting more misfortune in their lives. Then
quotations like: ‘misfortune comes on horseback and goes on foot’ seem to them
very sweet and justifiable. The message in the above quotation is absolutely
true but the fault does not lie anywhere else or outside; the fault lies within
their brains or thought processes. They must understand that the misfortune
coming on horseback is none other than the train of their own negative
thoughts. They should focus on: ‘not failure but the fear of failure is the
actual crime.’ Only God (or the Almighty Power one believes in) does not make
mistakes; therefore He does not fail at all. All humans, are bound to fail
somewhere in some of their enterprises but ‘successful failures’ are those
whose brains do not dwell on negative pictures even after they experience
setbacks; but rather block out negativity and are persistently focusing on
positive pictures in the face of adversities because they know that the only
way to change the course of events is to change their thoughts from negative to
important point to note is that the brain attracts negativity easier than
positivity. This argument looks very strange and apparently implies that the
brain has this built in fault to attract negativity. This can lead the weaker
ones to straightaway blame the brain for bringing bad luck into their lives.
But this is not true. That the brain is neutral and powerful is an established
fact. It only works on the input it receives. In our societies, as everyone
witnesses, there are more negative people than positive ones for the reason
that there are gossips about misfortunes haunting the world and hunting for its
victims. These negative forces work in the form of print, electronic and social
media with their all-time-presence in our lives; and the worst part of it is
that they are with us in the form of mobile phones, tablets and iPads, even
when we are in our worship places, where we seek peace and protection from all
evils i.e. negativity. Tabloids and newspapers with sensational stories
lead in showering us with negativity. Similarly there are tabloid TV shows
which keep on repeating negativity around the clock by forecasting crises after
crises e.g. financial crises, wars, killings, droughts, earthquakes, heavenly
objects racing towards our earth, joblessness and other depressing news. In
addition to this, people’s opinions mostly concentrate on negative issues and
they are so virulent in their nature that they affect almost all. Although
advancement in technology has made our lives easy and fast, it has snatched our
positivity considerably by stuffing our brains with negativity. That is why
there are more people suffering from depression, tension and anxiety in these
present times. All these negative forces are the cheapest commodities that we
are picking, knowingly or unknowingly, from the stock market of the world.
Therefore, the brain has not much work to do to create negative pictures as
these pictures are always with us, inside and outside our houses. Everyone can
imagine this massive influx of technology and its all encompassing impact in
this gadget-rich world.
It would not be
wrong to say that such factors as mentioned above, which represent negativity,
are like weeds in a garden, growing on their own. We do not have to plough and
sow them. Whereas, we have to really work hard to grow crops, fruit bearing
trees and plants of our choice and these plants have to be protected against
the onslaught of weeds. This is an understandable analogy where self-growing
weeds are like negativity and other plants and trees are like positivity. We
have to grow positivity in our brains intentionally through practice and toil,
whereas, negativity, like weeds, grow easily, especially where the environment
is perfect for it as it is in today’s world.
Our ancestors,
however, were not that unlucky when they lived in a pure world in the absence
of the influx of technology and corporate culture. Their brains were not under
the spell of all these negative images that have become our luck. Today we have
successful individuals, rather very successful in some cases, but we rarely see
greatness which could be inspiring to our youth. We still teach our children
the ancient figures (e.g. renowned religious leaders, scientists, astronomers,
philosophers etc.) from which to draw inspiration and awe thus proving that
today our brains are more exposed to negativity than positivity.
Let us now see
how the brain can be utilized so we get the best out of it. Physically our
brain is divided into the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere. The heart,
which is pumping life into all the organs of our bodies, beats; whereas, the
brain vibrates at certain frequency levels known as Brain Wave Frequency (BWF)
depending upon its levels of relaxation. Virtually, the brain can be divided
into four different levels based on BWF i.e. Delta, Theta, Alpha and Beta
levels and the brain vibrates at 0-4 BWF/second, 4-7 BWF/second, 7-14 and
higher BWF/second, and 14-21 and higher BWF/second, respectively. Alpha level
is the one which is associated with light sleep, meditation, intuition, no
time-and-space limitations and it is this very level that is closely linked to
the whole discussion above. Delta level is reached when humans are in deep sleep
and unconscious. The brain is quite at rest at Delta. At Alpha level, the brain
is in between sleep and fully awakened state. This state comes in when one is
meditating or completely relaxed—a great blessing in itself. The Alpha state is
where the brain is at its best and fully ready to create and attract. If the
brain images, ideas and pictures are vivid and concentrated, the creation
process is on and the brain emits patterns exactly like the radio or mobile
frequencies to attract and create the desired. This means that in Alpha state
our dreams and targets are getting closer to us every single second of the time
but for this there are four paramount ingredients:
a) The
brain must be at its Alpha level or simply speaking it must be completely
relaxed (a study suggests that speaking to one’s mother reduces one’s stress to
an unbelievable level whether speaking live or speaking over the phone. So
everyone can spot his or her relaxing technique)
b) The
brain picture (for example if one wants to pass an exam with a certain mark, or
have a particular brand of car) must be as vivid as possible, that is
c) A
strong faith in the creator that He (depending upon one’s concept of the Deity)
will provide the desired
d) A
burning desire to achieve targets
That is it.
That is the recipe to achieve targets. Muscles are not needed to achieve
worldly targets. All we need is a strong brain with right kind of pictures in
the subconscious. If this recipe is difficult to practise, success is difficult
to achieve; if it is easy, success is just at the doorstep. We need to open the
door and welcome it. Success is not a well-dressed man or a beautiful woman; it
is a state of the brain. Our only limitations are those we set in our own
brains. The brain knows no limitations. Therefore, it is not clever to put
fences around our own dreams and thought processes because by doing so, we
limit our options and put fences around our lives which could otherwise have
been exceptional.
The gist of
this whole discussion is very easy to understand. To change the course of our
lives we do not need to fight with outside factors; we have to work on our own
selves and we have to change our thoughts for the better. The universe is
inside us and if we control that, we control the outside universe. Almost all
the holy scriptures teach us that the greatest victory is to conquer and
control the ‘self’. In our daily lives, we let people’s opinions control our
brains. This is a shame because choosing our own thoughts in the forms of
pictures consciously is changing our life consciously because life is nothing
but the reflection of our dominant thoughts. A long time ago, Samuel Taylor
Coleridge mentioned the same in his beautiful poem Dejection: An Ode which sums up the discussion:
O Lady! We
receive but what we give,
And in our
life alone does Nature live:
Ours is her
wedding garment, ours her shroud!