Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Death of a Life!

There was a time when human beings lived on earth and enjoyed the bliss of life. There was a time when smiles were beautiful, laughters were genuine, giggles were amusing, hugs were warm and handshakes were loving. There was a time! There was a time when humans talked to each other without any medium and shared their feelings and ideas; when they were close to each other; when they rushed to help each other, when they shared their pains, sorrows and hardships with each other; and there was a time when they would sit next to each other and feel the company. Yes, there was a time and it was not very long ago. 
Now, the smiles are ‘selfie’ smiles and courtesies are stale. Though distances have vanished between humans, but limitless vacuum has been created. Mobile phones, social media and technology has blown apart those values. Laughters are fake, hugs are stinking, handshakes are musty. We are too close, but too far. We do not talk, we chat; we do not smile, we send ‘smileys’; we do not see each other face-to-face, we do FaceTime, Skype and Whatsapp; and we do not seek friendships and make friends, we ‘follow’.  Beautiful human expressions, created in the superlative sublimity, have been tragically replaced by rancid ‘smileys’ and ‘emojis’. We text even when we are sitting next to each other. We do not share others’ pain, we ‘share’ them on social media; we do not save a dying person, we take pictures to share on the social media to make our accounts obese with ‘likes’; and the tragedy is that we write sympathetic, moralistic and exhortative quotes on such posts to pretend to be humans. Mobile phones and social media have become oxygen and our lifeforce for us.  
Consequently, we get blessings for this nauseated lifestyle. We are hollow; we are empty; we are wasted. We are machines. We are dead. We are winning scientific battles in space, but we have lost the Battle of Humanity at home. Our mobile phones are ‘smart’, but we have become stupid. It is the death of an exquisite and splendid life that we had before. A life that was slow, but full of life; raw, but juicy. There was a time!
We are living in an age where, very soon, a time will come when meeting between two human beings, in the absence of all technology, will become the ‘Breaking News’. That would not be a tragedy: that WILL be a Shakespearean Tragedy.