Sunday, 28 June 2020

‘Shall I Compare Thee…?'

Shall I compare a black life with a white life, a white life with a brown life and a brown life with a yellow life? Shall I compare different lives to ascertain which life matters more? Shall I? To compare or not to compare, or can I compare, ‘that is the question’.
Is it possible for me to compare people of different colours when I neither chose my skin colour nor created it? Most probably, this is the dilemma of every single person of the world. They are like me. Created by God. Like me, neither did they choose the colour of their skins nor suggested a colour for others’. Therefore, fortunately or unfortunately, we cannot compare or judge others by the colour of their skins. I mean, how can a creature compare or judge another creature? However, those, on planet earth, who could claim to have their skin colour chosen or created by them, deserve, by all means, to judge others. Nonetheless, such exceptional individuals have yet to be found.
And where did the idea of some colours superior to others come from? Did God reveal such an idea to anyone? Did God choose superior colours for some and inferior for others? Do we not imply this when we consider some colours superior to others? And, why would God create inferior colours when He is the supreme creator? Is it not blasphemy against God?  
It is an interesting fact that under the skin of any colour, human bodies are exactly the same. Can we not bypass a very thin veneer of the object called ‘skin’ and treat human beings, not judge or compare, based on the content of their character? Can we do this? Or, are we so frail that mere a skin colour incapacitates our reason to hurl this world into a living hell of racial crimes?